Be IN Courage!

I wanted to share with you an inspirational message from my CD, 'Be IN Courage.'

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Standing on the Promises

I pulled out my original copy of Streams in the Desert devotional by Mrs. Charles Cowman today, and I read a word that truly inspired me. I trust that it will inspire, encourage and motive you to put action in your faith, even the more and stand on the promises of God.

March 24
And Jacob said, O God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Issac the Lord which saidst unto me Return unto thy county, and to thy kindred and I will deal well with thee; Deliver me, I pray thee (Gen. 32:9,11)

(message translation:)

The Message (MSG)
Genesis 32:9 -12
9-12 And then Jacob prayed, "God of my father Abraham, God of my father Isaac, God who told me, 'Go back to your parents' homeland and I'll treat you well.' I don't deserve all the love and loyalty you've shown me. When I left here and crossed the Jordan I only had the clothes on my back, and now look at me—two camps! Save me, please, from the violence of my brother, my angry brother! I'm afraid he'll come and attack us all, me, the mothers and the children. You yourself said, 'I will treat you well; I'll make your descendants like the sands of the sea, far too many to count.'"

"There are many healthy symptoms in that prayer. In some respects it may serve as a mold into which our own spirits may pour themselves, when melted in the fiery furnace of sorrow.

He began by quoting God's promise: "Thou saidst, " ("You Yourself said"). He did so twice ( verse 9 and 12). Ah, he has got God in his power then! God puts Himself within our reach in His promises; and when we can say to Him, "Thou saidst," ("You Yourself said") He cannot say nay. He must do as He has said. If Herod was so particular for his oath's sake, what will not our God be? Be sure in prayer, to get your feel well on a promise; it will give you purchase enough to force open the gates of heaven, and to take ti by force.

From Practical Portions for the Prayer-life.

Jesus desires that we shall be definite in our requests, and that we shall ask for some special thing. "What will ye that I shall do unto you?" is the question that He asks of every one who in affliction and trail comes to Him. Make your request with definite earnestness if you would have definite answers. Aimlessness in prayer accounts for so many seemingly unanswered prayers. Be definite in your petitions. Fill out your check for something definite, and it will be cashed at the bank of heaven when presented in Jesus name. Dare to be definite with God." (end quote)

For more wisdom along this same line, check out March 23 online devotion from Sparkling Gems in the Greek, called "Refuel with Rick" - Rick Renner, the author of this anointed devotional. In this Pastor Rick shares insight on John 15:7 "If you abide in Me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done for you." Click the link below to access.

Bottom line: TRUST. ASK. BELIEVE. Prepare to RECEIVE and OBEY God's direction, to the letter, as you STAND on the promises of His unfailing Word.

Be IN courage.

In Victory,

Linda Michelle

Sunday, March 14, 2010


This is truly a word in due season. Focus is an essential key in all that we do, in order to take us to the place that we truly desire - "in the middle of the middle" of God's perfect, ordained will for our lives. Be inspired to action as you renew your understanding on the importance of the incredible power of getting, being and staying in focus, by Dr. Cindy Trimm.

Cindy Trimm: The Incredible Power of Focus
by Cindy Trimm
Mar 14, 2010

And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, "Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever."—Genesis 13:14-15

Cindy Trimm

The number one thing that stops people from getting what they want in life is the lack of focus. The number one thing that keeps people in realizing their goals, maximizing their potential, fulfilling their God-given assignments and purpose is focus. Wherever you place your focus, the rest of your mind, talents, abilities and emotions will follow.

Let me give you an example of what I mean from the world of race car driving. As I understand it, when new drivers are learning how to race, one of the very first things they are taught is—what to focus on when they go into a spin. If they try to avoid hitting the wall, they usually wind up hitting it. Why? Because avoiding the wall means they have to focus on the wall. So, instead, they are taught to focus on—where they want to go. In this way, they have a better chance of avoiding the wall and successfully getting out of the spin.

Let me give you another example. When I was a young girl, I studied ballet. When pirouetting, I was trained to "spot" or focus on a particular place/spot where we needed to end our spin (a pirouette is a 365° spin for non-ballet enthusiasts). In both cases, focus is the key to success. Sometimes our lives can spin out of control, like a race car driver and a ballerina in a pirouette. It is the focus that gets us out.

People who focus on what they want get exactly what they want. People who focus on problems, hurdles, walls and obstacles will go through life with problems, hurdles, walls and obstacles. It's not what's happening to you now or what has happened to you in the past that determines who you become. Rather, it is your focus upon it. It is the meaning and significance that you give to every occurrence that determines its weight and effect upon your life.

Focus on Your Dreams, Goals and Vision

Whatever you focus on today, you give that thing permission to exist tomorrow. Focus on your dreams, goals and vision. Focus on where you want to be, not where you came from. Focus on what you expect to acquire and what you wish to do, and not on what you do not have or what you have not done. Focus on your healing and not your sickness. Focus on your deliverance and not your detrimental situations. Focus on what remains and not what you have lost. Focus on wearing that size 7 skinny jeans and not on how much weight you have gained.

Dream about how different your life can be, then wake up and focus on making it happen so that you can live the life of your dreams. Think about it only enough to formulate a plan and then put feet to that plan and make it happen. Contemplate it long enough so that your faith becomes the driving force of your focus. Talk about it long enough so that you motivate yourself to act.

Focus makes your faith unshakable. Focus eliminates distractions. Focus is quintessential to discipline, which is always the precursor to success and prosperity. If you do not expect to see something in your future, do not focus on it today. Train your mind to focus on the positive, and you will always have positive outcomes.

I want to encourage you with Philippians 4:7-8: And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think (focus) on these things.

Do not allow the enemy to break your focus. Like God said to Abraham, "I say to you, whatever you see, you will seize."

Dr. Cindy Trimm

Cindy Trimm International

Cindy Trimm's Itinerary:
Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion.
We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their Website for latest updates on each event.

March 29-April 3, 2010
Kingdom University Atlanta
School of Ministry, Accelerated Module
Renaissance Atlanta Downtown Hotel
590 W. Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30308
Contact: 678-565-9888

April 19-24, 2010
Kingdom University New England/Northeast
School of Ministry, Accelerated Module
St. Johns Full Gospel Deliverance Church
27 Brown Street, Bloomfield, CT 06002
Contact: 678-565-9888

May 28-30, 2010
World Summit 2010: Leadership and Prayer
Milwaukee Theatre Center
500 W. Kilbourn Avenue; Milwaukee, WI 53203
Contact: 678-565-9888

(Thank you ElijahList for permission to post this here on our website!)

Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep ElijahList website, email contact info, and author contact information intact.

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Phone 1-541-926-3250

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hang in there and Don't give up!

This is my encouragement to you today. I was blessed to hear this via "Refuel with Rick" and his anointed devotion "Sparkling Gems from the Greek". This is the inspiration that touched me and I am led to remind you of today: "...You may feel like your world is breaking around you. But you have Someone in you that is tougher than the battle! And the Holy Spirit wants to release endurance to you. Endurance will carry you past this trial and endurance will carry you into the victory that you need. It's just over the hill - you'll get there. James 1:4 could be interpreted:
"But let patience have her perfect work - I'm talking about the kind of attitude that hangs in there, never giving up, refusing to surrender to obstacles and turning down every opportunity to quit..." That is what you need... the queen of all virtues - "patience" (endurance). If you have this it's not a question of IF you're going to win, it's a question of WHEN you're going to win, because the victory is yours!...."

Check the entire devotion out on line:
and read today's (10 March 2010) word of encouragement in full and Be IN Courage!

Remember.. Hang in there and DO NOT QUIT.. Victory is yours for the receiving! Take it one step at a time and you will arrive.

" I cried out to the Lord because of my afflication, and He answered me."
"When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord; And my prayer went up to You, into Your Holy temple" (Jonah 2:2, 7)

With love and joy,
Linda Michelle

Friday, March 5, 2010

"When things go wrong, don't go wrong with them!"

My good friend and motivational brother Mike Howard just shared those words with me via his one minute motivational audio segment . One minute was all it took to stir my focus back to an assignment that I have been working on for what seems like many, many months. The reward of me completing this assignment will set the foundation for a flood of great things being released, for me and for those I am privileged to serve.

One minute was all it took for me to be reminded that I must continue to press through if I am to see the fruit of my labor. One minute is all it took for me to feel the refreshing winds of hope anew within my spirit, sparked by simple truth. One minute.

One minute is all it takes to begin to walk foward from the place of frustration, through faith, to that place of hope in front of you.

One minute is all it takes to make a decision to "let go and let really God - once and for all - take your cares and perfect them; beginning to list them out to Him and casting your care - but not your responsibility to them. One minute is all it takes to be reminded that God has His part and you and I have our part. And God is not going to "cheat" on doing His and we would be only "cheating" ourself if we neglect to do ours.

One minute is all it takes to sit still and really hear what God (that still small voice deep inside, resounding loud and perfectly clear) speak to you the direction and instruction you have desparately sought Him for.

One minute is all it takes for you to make a quality decision and begin to implement it.

One minute is all it takes for you to stop, breath deeply and feel the blood flowing through your body, reminding you that you are still in the "game" and you still have an opportunity to win.

One minute is all it takes to decide to pick up the phone and make that overdue call to that friend or loved one you know would be blessed and encouraged just to hear your voice - if even for a few minutes.

One minute is all it takes to remember that the funeral for that other loved one prevents you from calling them, even through you would give almost anything to hear their voice just one more time - if even for a few minutes.

One minute is all it takes to recall the fact that you were indeed created for a purpose and have been gifted with talents and unique abilities that can change the course of destiny for someone, somewhere, if even by adding a smile to their face, which will remind them that there is hope.

One minute is all it takes to give thanks for the life flowing through you right now and for the opportunity to "begin again" with hope, in faith.

"When things go wrong, don't go wrong with them." Go forward, fulfilling the divine plan for your life.

"Do not be afraid of sudden terror, Nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes;
For the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught"

"Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.
Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you.

Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you.
Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established.
Do not turn to the right or the left; Remove your foot from evil."

(Proverbs 3:25-26, 4:23-27)

Be IN Courage!

With love and joy,
Linda Michelle