Be IN Courage!

I wanted to share with you an inspirational message from my CD, 'Be IN Courage.'

Monday, December 21, 2009

5 Special Gifts to Yourself: Gift 1 - Monday 21 Dec 09.

During this week of Christmas, I want to offer you 5 special gifts; one for each day of this Holy week, leading up to and including Christmas Day. While you may be busy shopping for or making gifts for your loved one and friends, please take time and receive these special gifts to you. I am devoted, through my calling and service with Elegant Doves, to sharing love and encouragement. What better way to encourage you but to offer you a step by step gift of emotional healing from abortion. Post Abortion trauma is one of many repercussions of incest abuse for so many sisters of all color, creeds and nationalities. Accept and receive this very special gift of information and wisdom,(via the Elliot Institute), for yourself, and for those who love you.

Remember: The pain of understanding and healing is far less
than the pain of denial and despair.


After an Abortion: Steps Toward Healing

1. Recognize that the road to full recovery can take time and effort. While God is always near to you, sorting out your life and your feelings, overcoming the ever-present temptation to give in again to despair and doubt--these take time.

2. Recognize that it is normal and good to mourn the loss of a loved one. Just as mourning the loss of a parent or spouse takes time, so does mourning the loss of an aborted child. In the case of abortion, the mourning process is often cut short and never completed because of denial or feelings of guilt which block the mourning process. You must courageously allow the mourning process to get back on track. Accept your grief as normal rather than something which must covered up or pushed away. Recognize that the pain of your loss will fade as your healing progresses.

3. Recognize that you are not alone. Others have been through the same experience and the same trials. Their experiences and understanding can help you. They want to help you, just as you may want to help others after you have finished going through the healing process. Finding a post-abortion counselor or support group through our list of Post-Abortion Healing Resources may be very helpful to you.

4. Admit your personal responsibility but also recognize that others, too, were involved. Pray for God's forgiveness for both yourself and everyone else who either encouraged the abortion or failed to help you avoid the abortion.

5. Forgive yourself. God does not want you to live a lifetime in mourning. Your sin has been forgiven. You have been made new in Christ. Rejoice in the knowledge that one day you will be with your child in the arms of the Lord.

6. Forgive others. Recognize that they, too, acted out of ignorance, fear, or petty human selfishness. If possible, let them know that you forgive them. Forgive even the abortion providers.

7. Give your children over to the care of God, their Heavenly Father, and the true Parent of us all. Know that they are loved, happy, and well cared for. They, too, desire your joy and happiness. They miss you, but they do not resent or condemn you, because they live in the love and mercy of Christ. Do not try to hold onto them by prolonging your grief; hold onto them by sharing their happiness in heaven.

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copyright 2000 Elliot Institute
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Be IN Courage.
with love,
Linda Michelle

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