Be IN Courage!

I wanted to share with you an inspirational message from my CD, 'Be IN Courage.'

Monday, August 24, 2009

In Faith, with Courage, DON'T QUIT!!

This past Friday I spent almost 12 hours in an airport in New York trying to get home, after working 8 hours. It was cold, crowded and I was beyond tired. I pushed back the tears as I asked God to help me understand why I was there and what He was doing and how it all added up to His ordained purpose for my life. I reminded Him of the scripture that says "with all you getting get understanding" so I wanted some "major understanding."

After all of those hours of working and waiting, I had to take a bus, train and another bus to my commuter apartment. Arriving about 1am I had to get up at 3am to catch a van back to the airport on Saturday morning. I stood by for 3 more nonstop flights on Delta, before I was led to go over to United, which meant a connection through Chicago and then to Atlanta.

Not only did I get the first flight I stood by for (New York to Chicago, having to seat on the Flight Attendant Jump seat, which meant no sleeping, but), I was fed like a queen and on the next flight from Chicago to Atlanta (which had 70 open seats!!!) I was blessed with a seat in first class, by the window and was able to sleep from the time the aircraft pushed back in Chicago until after it landed in Atlanta (at 4:30pm)!

Still trying to make sense of it all (having missed a Saturday class in Atlanta that I really wanted to attend), I praised God for getting me home. In putting my things away as I prepared to get off of the aircraft, I came across the Mustard Seed book marks we had made for the Prayer Walk last weekend (Matt 17:20 with an actual mustard seed glued on). I gave one to the Flight Attendant working first class, just as a way of encouragement. She was shocked, but really pleased and later said "I really needed that today."

I dug into my bag to pull more out to give to the other 2 Flight Attendants working in the back, but they passed by me before I had a chance to locate the other bookmarks in my bag. After finding the bookmarks, I instead gave them to the gate agents there in Atlanta, 4 women I had not seen in a long while. They too were surprised and before I knew it, one after the other gave me a big hug and said they really needed that today!!

I was encouraged by their encouragement! In stopping at the restroom in the terminal I felt led to share one of the book marks with the cleaning lady there. On my way out, as I handed it to her, she quickly looked at it and before I knew what was going on she had grabbed me by the neck, hugging me and said "Praise God, thank you so much! Praise God!!" That almost brought tears to my eyes as I saw her face light up at the reaction to God's word!

Sensing a pattern "assignment" here from God, I gave one to the 3 TSA security women standing at the door leading out to the baggage claim area and heard one say she was going to put it on her refrigerator. There was one of the 3 who did not seem too thrilled by it, as I noticed her reading the words, but, as I walked on my way, I continued to silently pray for God to bless her. I knew that a "seed" had been planted into her soul, literally, and it was only my responsibility to plant it as God led and He would take care of the rest.

I caught up with the crew that had brought me, standing at the Hotel Pickup area and was able to give the other 2 flight attendants a book mark. One shared at she had never seen anything like it and the other said when she was young she had a necklace with a mustard seed inside! I did too!!

As I sat quietly waiting for my van to take me to my car, I wondered if the entire reason for me not making it home on Friday was so that I could be used by God to plant "mustard seed" encouragement into the hands of those women I had come across. Especially the cleaning lady in the rest room. By her reaction you would have thought I had given her a million dollars, seriously. What ever the reason for the delay in me getting home, I praise God for every aspect my life: 1. For having a job and it being a job I enjoy; 2. For being called to a ministry that I can incorporate into any where in the World I am; 3 For being safe in the airport in New York on Friday, instead of up in the air in the midst of the storm, or sitting on a hot aircraft somewhere waiting for it to pass over before we could take off; 4. For being able blessed to see the Hand of God move in the big ways and in small ways too!! 5. And for being used of God in unique and interesting ways.

The sermon my Pastor taught on Sunday was right on target: "The Blessing of the Kingdom: Called to Blessing", based on 1 Peter 3:8-12. She taught, in part, that the trials we go through are often "test" to build our "faith muscles." Regardless of the test, we are to still have a good attitude and still obey God, knowing that His Word is true and He will never leave us, nor forsake us (my paraphrasing from the sermon). Even in persecution and hardship there is a way He wants us to act - in faith, with courage.

Regardless if your "persecution or hardship" is dealing with a major health or financial, or job related issue, or being "temporarily" stuck in a place you would rather not be, we must trust and believe God that "this too will pass" and that "God works ALL things together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His Purpose." (See Isaiah 43:1 -3 and Romans. 8:28). We are more than conquerors!! God has a plan for take every adversity and hardship we go through and bring good out of it, making us stronger, more mature and better prepared for the next level of promotion. We can trust God's trustworthiness! God has a good plan for you and for me and He has good thoughts toward us. "For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you", says the Lord, "thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome." Jeremiah 29:11.

Hope is the breeding ground for miracles!!

Be IN Courage and DO NOT QUIT the good fight of faith! Remember, regardless of what you are going through, big or small, "weeping may endure for a night (season), but joy comes in the morning!"

Be IN Courage!!

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