"The pain of understanding and healing is far less than the pain of denial and despair". It takes far less time and energy to deal, head on with circumstances and situations, than it does to put them off and allowing them to linger. Matters of the heart and soul are no different. NOW is the acceptable time.
Join me for our 8 week women's Incest Recovery Tele-class. Every Tuesday evening, April 19 - June 7, from 8pm until 10pm (EST), from the privacy and comfort of your own home or office, via private conference call phone line, you can begin the process of moving from your pain, confusion and/or frustration surrounding your issues with incest onto wholeness, healing and restored joy.
We will be using several "tools" to help facilitate our understanding along our journey further into healing and wholeness, with Joyce Meyer's "Beauty for Ashes" as our foundational focus.
The cost of $25 includes all materials. Scholarships are available, so there is no excuse to hold you back from this opportunity. NONE. Fear is not an excuse. FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Know this, "If there is HOPE in the future, there is POWER in the present.
Be IN courage, for real. I am taking the journey with you. It is NOW time to go to your destiny.
Register today. Log onto www.elegantdoves.org or email me at info@elegantdoves.org, or call me at 770.310.6434.
Please print this page and share with your friends, sisters, nieces, cousins, church members and co-workers and ask them to share with their friends, sisters, nieces,cousins, church members and co-workers - anyone and everyone you care about.
Studies have found that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday and only 1 in 10 will tell. This means there are MORE THAN 42 MILLION adult survivors of child sexual abuse in the US.
This just may be the encouragement and gentle "nudge" they need to finally take that step towards their victory over this issue, once and for all. And you may just be the vessel God has have waiting on to work through. Now is the acceptable time.
"Fear not (there is nothing to fear), for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God." Isaiah 41:10 (amplified version)
With blessings and joy,
Linda Michelle